English Ministries

Healthy Ministers, Healthy Families, Healthy Churches.

Get to know Pastor Manny Rodriguez

Bio coming soon…


Leadership Media

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General Resources

The English Ministry office is currently developing new resources for church ministries that seek to start an english ministry in their local church ministry. We are scheduled to release these reousrces by Fall of 2021. 

Growth track

Learn how to grow English ministries


Connect with peer ministers who share common knowledge

Action Points

Receive key action steps towards launching English ministries

View common questions

As we better prepare to serve our SPDAG pastors and ministers as they take on the challenge of launching an English ministry. Take a look at the most common questions and answers we have received thus far.

Looking for support?

Stay connected with us as you continue to explore your options on how to launch an English ministry. Send us an email or give us a call at 626.968.5088

Create your user profile and connect with your District office and other SPDAG ministers. 

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